Drought and Water Shortage Management Plans Small Water Systems Workshop

Mar. 22, 2023 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Name: Luis Carmona

Email: lcarmona@calruralwater.org

Phone Number: 8008330322

Agency Board Room

This course will cover the different types of forms of water conservation planning with information based on your water system needs and capabilities. It will also review the tools and public education materials available to systems implementing a conservation plan. This class will also cover potential financial issues with revenue that can occur when not considered in the planning and implementation of a water shortage/conservation plan.

New requirements in SB 552 for small water systems and counties for water shortage contingency planning, and Financial and technical assistance programs
Drought Background Overview of California hydro-climatology, including the hydrology of the state’s most significant historical droughts, understanding droughtrisk and climate change, Review of lessons learned in past droughts, as well asexpected drought impacts & basic concepts of drought vulnerability & droughtresilience.

Registration Link: https://www.mojavewater.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/MWA-Spring-23-Schedule-Flyer.pdf

Website Link: https://www.smallwatersystems.org