About AWAC

About AWAC
Alliance for Water Awareness and Conservation (AWAC), is a collaborative group of more than 20 agencies committed to achieving water conservation goals within the 4,900 square-mile service area of the Mojave Water Agency.
AWAC Goals
- Serve as a network to assist agencies in educating the public on water conservation.
- Provide resources with a consistent message to help agencies meet their respective conservation goals.
- Maintain current gallons per capita per day (GPCD) or lower, and continue to position agencies for meeting future conservation needs.
- Exchange ideas between agencies, especially at quarterly meetings.
AWAC’s Mission
To promote the efficient use of water and increase awareness of conservation as an important tool to ensure an adequate water supply.
AWAC’s Vision
To be a collaborative alliance providing leadership, education, resources, support, ideas and solutions to agencies region-wide to conserve and protect our water supplies.