Leak Detection & Water Loss Accountability

Nov. 16, 2022 | 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Email: lcarmona@calruralwater.org

Phone Number: 8008330322

Agency Board Room

California Rural Water Association in partnership with Mojave Water Agency (MWA) and in support of the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan is offering a series of free trainings designed to enhance your knowledge of the water industry.

• 4 ways to Reduce Leakage, the art of Leak Detection, Reactive or Proactive Leakage Management, review of preliminary survey, zones and zone measurements, pinpointing leaks, and estimating leaks.
• PowerPoint demonstration and discussion of leak detection, modern methods of leak detection, acoustic leak detection, and correlation equipment.
• Water loss identification and prevention and accountability
• Making Estimates – Rates of water loss for a roughly circular hole can be estimated

To register, fill out the form below and email to lcarmona@calruralwater.org
